ALS User Meeting
The Advanced Light Source User meeting is an annual meeting happening at Lawrence Berkeley Lab at the end of the summer, with keynote speakers and workshops.
Learn more about the latest ALS User meeting:
ALS User Meeting 2024
August 12-14, 2024
This hybrid event will take place at Berkeley Lab and via Zoom
Don’t miss the 2024 ALS User Meeting featuring invited speakers, hands-on workshops, tutorials, and a potential collaborative workshop with the ALS and Molecular Foundry. Exciting discussions await, so mark your calendars for August 12–14.
Registration will open in late spring.
Past ALS user meeting keynote speakers:
Swarup China, (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), "Multimodal Chemical Imaging of Atmospheric Particles and Environmental Impacts"
Will Chueh, (Stanford University and SLAC National Laboratory), "Dynamic Electrochemical Phenomena at the Mesoscale"
Emiley A. Eloe-Fadrosh, (DOE Joint Genome Institute), "Uncovering the Tiny Microbial Engines That Drive Earth’s Ecosystems"
Sarah Tolbert, (University of California, Los Angeles), "Synchrotron Studies of Nanostructured Batteries for High-Rate and High-Capacity Energy Storage"
Suyang Xu, (Harvard University), "Axion Optical Control of Antiferromagnetic Order"
Dava Keavney, (Program Manager for X-Ray and Neutron Scattering Facilities, Office of BES, DOE)
Irene Groot (Leiden University), "In situ observations of a Co(0001) model catalyst during Fischer-Tropsch synthesis"
Hideaki Iwasawa (National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology, Japan), "Imaging electronic information of quantum materials by photoemission spectromicroscopy with machine-learning-based analysis"
Karen Chen-Wiegart (Stony Brook University/ Brookhaven National Lab) "Unveiling the kinetics of materials for sustainability by synchrotron x-ray nano-tomography and multimodal characterizations)
Beatriz Roldán Cuenya (Fritz Haber Institute), "Unveiling the dynamic behavior of catalysts through in situ microscopy and operando spectroscopy"
Linda Horton (Associate Director of Science for Basic Energy Sciences, DOE)
Ada Yonath (Weizmann Institute; 2009 Nobel Prize in Chemistry), "From Origin of Life to Eco-Friendly Next Generation Medicine & Fascinating Viral Vaccinations"
Claire Acevedo (University of Utah), "Understanding Bone’s Fracture Mechanism using Synchrotron Microtomography Combined with Deep Learning"
Jeff Terry (Illinois Institute of Technology), "The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Minimizing Analysis Errors, Illustrated with EXAFS and Core-Level Photoemission"
Stanley Whittingham (Binghamton University; 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry), "The Lithium Intercalation Battery: Its Origin, Future Challenges, and the Critical Role that Characterization Plays"
Julia Mundy (Harvard University) "Imaging Emergent Phenomena in Oxide Quantum Materials with Soft X-Rays"
David Veesler (University of Washington), "Structure-Guided Design of a SARS-CoV-2 Subunit Vaccine"
Margaret Murnane (JILA, University of Colorado Boulder), "Uncovering New Light-Induced States and Phases in Magnetic and 2D Materials Using Ultrafast X-Rays"
Claudio Mazzoli (Brookhaven National Laboratory), "Correlation Imaging: A View on Complex Matter Across Space and Time"
Luisa Whittaker-Brooks (University of Utah), "Fundamental, State-of-the-Art, and Recent Trends in Nanostructured Materials for Energy and Electronic Applications"
Mario Wannier, "The Discovery of Hiroshima’s Atomic Bomb Fallout Debris and ALS Diagnostic Contribution" (video)
Tabbetha Dobbins (Rowan University), "LAAAMP: Utilizing Light Sources and Crystallographic Sciences to Facilitate the Enhancement of Knowledge and Improve the Economic and Social Conditions in Emergent Regions around the World"
Hope Ishii (University of Hawaii), "Exploring the Original Bricks and Mortar of the Solar System"
Daniela Ushizima (CRD, Berkeley Lab), "Machine Learning for Materials Imaged at the ALS"
Jay Marx (Caltech/LIGO), "The Early Days and Construction of the ALS"
John Hill (NSLS-II, Brookhaven National Laboratory) "NSLS-II and Future Trends in Synchrotron Science"
Paul Adams (MBIB, LBNL), " Protein Crystallography at the ALS
Hemamala Karunadasa (Stanford University), "Chemical Approaches to Addressing the Toxicity and Instability of Lead-Halide Perovskite Absorbers"
Simon Bare (SLAC), "SSRL and Catalysis: Present and Future"
Ilan Gur (Cyclotron Road, LBNL), "Accelerating Science Innovation at Cyclotron Road"
Daniel Kammen (UC Berkeley), "Science and Policy for a Low-Carbon Energy Future"
Chris Roat (Google), "How Google is Accelerating Science"
Cheryl Kerfeld (Michigan State University), "Imaging Modular Microbial Metabolism
Patrick Naulleau (Berkeley Lab), "Semiconductor Advanced Manufacturing at the ALS"
Brandy Toner (University of Minnesota), "The Chemistry of Particles in the Deep Ocean"
Marco Keiluweit (University of Massachusetts), "Mapping Carbon Flow through Soils: Ecosystem and Global Impacts"
Gordon Brown (Stanford University), "X-ray Spectroscopic, Scattering, and Imaging Studies of Earth Materials and Processes: From the Nanoscale to the Global Scale"
John Turner (NREL), "Semiconductor Systems and Catalysis for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting"
Stanley Williams, (HP Labs), "In-operando synchronous time-multiplexed O K-edge x-ray absorption spectromicroscopy of functioning memristors at ALS"
John Turner (NREL), "High temperature superconductivity and charge correlations, an intertwined mystery"
Erica Saphire (Scripps Research Institute), "Ebola Virus Entry and the ZMapp Cocktail"
Sam Bader (Argonne National Laboratory), "Spintronics: Implications for Energy, Information and Medical Technologies."
Jim Hurley (UC Berkeley), "The Structural Choreography of Cellular Self-Cannibalism"
James Sethian (UC Berkeley), "Center for Applied Mathematics for Energy Research Applications"
Michael Eisen (UC Berkeley), "Past, Present and Future of Scholarly Communication"
Jamie Cate (UC Berkeley), "High-Resolution Structures of the Ribosome "
Nate Lewis (Caltech), "Materials, Components, Interfaces, Devices, and Systems for Solar Fuels Generation"
Omar Yaghi (Berkeley Lab), "What’s Next for Metal Organic Frameworks? "
Monica Metzler (Illinois Science Council), "Bad Presentation Bingo: The Game You Don’t Want to Win!"
Don Medley (Berkeley Lab), "Science on the Hill: Building Support One Member of Congress at a Time"
Siegfried S. Hecker (Stanford University) "Plutonium Science and Diplomacy"
Richard Muller (LBNL and UC Berkeley), "Climate Change: A Non-Partisan Analysis"
Mary McGrath (Gilead Sciences) "Better Drug Candidates via Protein Crystallography"
Michael Lubell (APS), "How nasty can it get? Prospects for American Science"
Vern Ehlers (R-MI), "Let there be Light! (A physicist’s responsibility to produce light in society, in government, and in the lab)"
Donald DePaolo (ESD, LBNL) "Research challenges in molecular and nanoscale earth and environmental science"